out of the question

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out of the question

  1. mahdoton, käsittämätön, ylivoimainen, uskomaton, ei tule kysymykseen.

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ylivoimainen, ei tule kysymykseen puhekieltä Not remotely possible.
1898, Arthur Conan Doyle, The Lost Special

A second special was out of the question, as the ordinary local service was already somewhat deranged by the first.
(RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)
Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers,(nb..). Even such a boat as the Mount Vernon offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.
2012 March 22, Scott Tobias, AV Club, http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-hunger-games,71293 The Hunger Games
If Suzanne Collins’ novel The Hunger Games turns up on middle-school curricula 50 years from now—and as accessible dystopian science fiction with allusions to early-21st-century strife, that isn’t out of the question—the lazy students of the future can be assured that they can watch the movie version and still get better than a passing grade.


"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."


out of the question rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion

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oudosti, oudostuttaa, ounastella, out, outo, outous

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